Formed in mid-2003, Mimic Mass was a Melbourne based audio-visual performance group who utilise video, three voices, live-vocal processing and minimal beat programming. In Mimic Mass performances, sound and gesture come together and dissipate in a continual cycle of transitory and recalled moments.
The lead singer of contemporary popular culture is divorced from the band. Her voice is fragmented through real-time processing. Lyrics vary between associative comprehension and pure sonic texture. The audience is submerged in a network of sound, image and text in which they draw meaning through creative association.
Split Radio mirrors this dislocation of voice within the gallery, taking radio’s bread and butter, popular song, as source material to explore intimacy, dislocation and outright chaos.
Stationary, Mimic Mass present a network in motion. This department must surely have a purpose. There are people engaged in constant activity; vocalists provide input for digital processes, others work behind computer screens with audio equipment, video is projected onto the walls. They toil not for commercial gain but simply to justify their existence.
With performances:
- Split Radio at Conical Gallery, Melbourne
- Stationary at Next Wave, Melbourne
- 6pm Accident Report at This is Not Art Festival, Newcastle
- Sudden Red Collapse at Liquid Architecture, Melbourne

Split Radio, Conical Gallery, 2007

Split Radio, Conical Gallery, 2007

Split Radio, Conical Gallery, 2007

Split Radio, Conical Gallery, 2007