Life did not take over the world by combat,
but by networking.
—Lynn Margulis
The Food Art Research Network collectively represents network of living relations. FAR is an international network of established artists and cultural workers that engage with the politics and aesthetics of food. We have met three to four times per year since 2020 and we insist on working slowly. We value peer learning and exchange and the network fosters lasting connections between members, across trans-local creative contexts.
We are committed to slow processes that might be considered akin to composting, we are mapping and unmapping shared interests across diverse conditions. We are attentive to the metabolic connections across places between ancient and ancestral food practices and we believe that connection to food, land and waterways is allied with practices of culture. We want to find ways to understand and share these connections without collapsing the differences and struggles that also exist.
Since then the network continues to foster lasting connections between members, across trans-local creative contexts. We are committed to slow processes akin to composting, in which we are mapping and unmapping our shared interests across diverse conditions. We are attentive to the connections across places between ancient and ancestral food practices and we believe that connection to food, land and waterways is allied with practices of culture. We want to find ways to understand and share these connections without collapsing the differences and struggles that also exist.
The Food Art Research Network began in 2020 with a recognition that artists working in long term practices connected to place also value peer learning and exchange, it was supported initially through a grant to Madeleine Collie through Custom Food Lab and has been nurtured through a range of relationships since.
- Seaweed Stories with Bianca Winataputri and Talking Contemporary taking place across Bali, South Korea, Japan, India and Australia.
- Edible Stories Edible Worlds tracing plant histories with Edible Archives in Goa, India
- Los Rastros Que Dejamos/The Traces We Leave, with Cocina CoLaboratorio in Xochimilcho, Mexico
- Making Effervescent Encounters at State of Concept, Athens with Grace Gloria Denis
- Unexpected Landscapes, European Pavillion, Rome
- Kitchen Table Talks in Mexico City at Soma with Transart Institute
- Kitchen Table Talks in New Delhi with School of Instituting Otherwise

The Traces We Leave

2021-11-10 18 30 07.753




Fig Preserving

Figs in Jars
